The Most Effective Way To Get Rid Of RedAnts.

Whenever I used to put some eatables in my room it was often eaten by tiny house ants which are small and red. Every morning I used to clean and sweep them out of my room and by evening when I come back home , an army of ants used to party and celebrate on my eatables present in my room.

I was so angry and fed with them and not able to tolerate them anymore in my room. One day I found HIT chalk used for cockroaches lying in my kitchen and thought to give it a try as I was not able to think any other alternative to drive them out. I took the HIT chalk and drew it at the entry points from where the ants enter my room and around the corner of cupboards where eatables are kept.

And to my astonishment, within few minutes all the ants disappeared. Its been so many days , but they never returned back. This chalk worked for ants as well as cockroaches. Today my room is free of these little troublesome tiny creatures.

Next time, when you are attacked by an army of ants, use the chalk to drive them off.



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