Finger-Lickin Sweet Potato Fries

Fries is one of the all time favorite snack people love to have. Here is the recipe of Sweet Potato fries to snack on besides Potato fries.


Sweet Potatoes 1\4 kg
Rice flour 2 tablespoon
Oil for deep frying
Red chilly powder-1/2 teaspoon
Chat masala 1/2 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Steps to Follow:

1. Take sweet potatoes and peel it.

2. If  you are taking a long sweet potato , divide it into two or three portions accordingly.

3.Chop them lengthwise into long rectangular pieces.


4.Soak them in cold water for sometime(approx. 10 mins) to release the starch.

5.Drain water and sprinkle some Rice flour on it. Rice flour gets binded to the pieces since they are wet. Keep in refrigerator for few minutes (approx. 20-30 minutes).

6. Take a kadai, pour in oil for the deep fry. Once the oil is medium hot, fry the sweet potato fries in batches.

7.Remove them once they become golden crisp in colour. Sprinkle salt, chat masala and red chilly powder. Serve hot with tomato sauce.



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