Salad Plating : Breaking the Monotonous Style

Some people eat to live, but there also some exceptional people who live to eat. Being a foodie, it makes me realize how important is food presentation, it is one of the ways to create an impact and impress the diners. Appearance of food will either attract or reject your guests to choose a specific meal. For this, you need not be a trained chef, you need not have all vegetables available, a little innovation and imagination is enough to create the twist with whatever resources you have at your fingertips. When it comes to home, you are the chef and family members are diners. And your family members enjoy the meal when little bit of creativity goes in presenting the food.

      Last night when I started making salad, I felt making it in the same way every time bores the maker as well as the eater. I took a cucumber and started cutting it into circular shape which is very common and usual, then I thought why not give a try for an oval shape. There is a difference between circular and oval shape. Oval resembles the outline of egg. For oval shape one needs to slice the cucumbers diagonally. After the cucumbers, it was onions and tomatoes in circular shape. You can take any vegetables of your choice, may it be carrot, beetroot, radish, lemon etc. and if its fruit salad you have numerous options to choose from. After cutting all available vegetables I started decorating it in to a plate starting with cucumber layer, followed by onions and then tomatoes. After setting everything on plate, I wondered what if a flower blooms at the centre of the salad!! And as I am fond of flowers I decided to give it a try, I started off peeling the skin of tomato from top to bottom spirally, let the peeling be continuous, do not break in between. After peeling is done start folding the peel from one end in circular direction and your rose is ready.

       There are various unique and innovative ideas to do the salad plating. Just need to google and give a try. One more idea I found is to make lotus flower from an onion. It gave a grand look to my salad.
Explore, Innovate and Enjoy your Dining!!



  1. I just really love the way Salad is presented before dinner and most of the time we just don't think there is a lot of creativity and hard work involved while preparing the salad.

    thanks a lot.



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